Project Experience

Text Data Analytics: Master Thesis

TIAS Business School, Feb. 2022

  • Researched whether jobs that contain certain keywords, such as engineers, are key drivers of income and occupational polarization in the age of automation.
  • Applied text analytics on longitudinal labor statistics dataset to obtain the number of occurences of keywords in job titles by year; Tokenized, stemmed and removed stop-words for text preprocessing.
  • Created data visualizations with seaborn and matplotlib to observe trends and patterns.

Time series analysis: Graduate Student Researcher

University of Kentucky, Aug. 2018 - Dec. 2020

  • Researched the effects of historical intense activities (Carter-Reagan buildup, 9/11/, presidential election 2016) on spending, taxes and GDP output using SVAR (Structured Vector Autoregression) approach.
  • Developed and interpreted Impulse Response Functions (IRF) with MATLAB to understand economic impacts following the shocks.

Survey Data Analysis

Bachelor Thesis at Lawrence University

  • Conducted a research on an exploratory question on whether health comparisons with closely related individuals affect individuals’ self-rated health.
  • Collected data surveys, built models, and conducted statistical hypothesis testing.

More About Me


Amsterdam, The Netherlands